Khyper Immune Cápsulas con 120
Code: f-004
Numerosos estudios científicos han demostrado que el calostro es compatible con los sistemas inmunes y citocinas humanos. El calostro bovino es en realidad 40 veces más rico en factores inmunes que el calostro humano y es biológicamente transferible a los humanos. Khyper Immune es un suplemento natural que proporciona una rica fuente de IgG y PRP (polipéptidos ricos en prolina).
También suministra proteínas, factores inmunes, factores de crecimiento, vitaminas y minerales para apoyar la salud y la vitalidad, naturalmente.
La experiencia ha demostrado que la naturaleza es sabia en muchos casos de curación. Pero a medida que envejecemos, nos damos cuenta que nos cuesta más trabajo combatir un resfriado o gripe, nos volvemos más vulnerables a la enfermedad, nuestra energía y entusiasmo disminuyen, nuestra piel pierde su elasticidad, aumentamos de peso y perdemos tono muscular.
Calostro bovino, inmuglobulinas,Polipéptido Rico en Prolina, Lactoferrina, Cápsulas de gelatina.
Uso sugerido:
Tome 2 cápsulas con un vaso de agua en ayunas y dos cápsulas antes de acostarse.
Consulte a su médico antes de usar si está embarazada o planea un embarazo, si está tomando medicamentos o tiene algún problema de salud. Mantenga en un lugar frío y seco.
Tamaño del servicio: 4 cápsulas.
Servicios por envase: 30 Servicios.

Khyper Immune Cápsulas con 120

MAP™ (Master Amino Acid Pattern)
MAP ™ Master Amino Acid Pattern® is a patented formula (US Patent No. 5,132,113) of highly purified, free and crystalline essential amino acids.
MAP ™ is recommended as a substitute for dietary proteins. Therefore, using MAP ™, during physical activity can replace dietary proteins or protein supplements in a more healthy and nutritionally effective way to:
- Optimize body protein synthesis (BPS)
- Optimize strength and muscle mass
- Optimize muscle endurance
- Optimize muscle recovery after physical activity.
MAP™ origina solamente el 1% de catabolitos nitrogenados (residuo metabólico tóxico).
In comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements originate from 68 to 84% of nitrogen catabolites. That is, a toxic metabolic waste of 68 to 84 times higher compared to MAP ™. Therefore, by replacing dietary proteins or protein supplements with MAP ™, overload of liver and kidney function can be prevented, thus allowing a more healthy and effective physical activity.
MAP™ se absorbe en el intestino delgado en menos de 23 minutos desde su ingestión.
In comparison, food proteins and protein supplements require 3 to 6 hours to be digested. That is, a time of 6 to 12 times greater compared to MAP ™. Therefore, using MAP ™, during physical activity:
The weight of the ingested food proteins can be avoided, thus improving physical activity.
Digestion of dietary proteins can be avoided, thus optimizing blood flow during physical activity.
El MAP™ provee solo 0.04 kcal/g
In comparison, dietary proteins or protein supplements provide at least 4 kcal / g. That is, 100 times more calories compared to MAP ™. Therefore, the use of MAP ™, in substitution of dietary proteins or protein supplements, can help to minimize the percentage of body fat.
MAP ™ does not produce any fecal waste.
In contrast to the proteins of the diet or the protein supplement, it does not produce fecal waste. Therefore its use is recommended during the pre and post of surgeries, as well as during diarrhea.
MAP ™ is amphoteric.
That is, MAP ™ can act as an acid or a base. Therefore, MAP ™ is not contraindicated in cases of gastric ulcer.

MAP ™, unlike food proteins or protein supplements:
It does not contain sodium, therefore its use is not contraindicated during diets with sodium restriction. It does not contain fats, therefore its use is not contraindicated during diets with fat restriction. It does not contain carbohydrates, therefore its use is not contraindicated during diets with carbohydrate restriction.
¿Por qué el uso del MAP™, durante la actividad física, puede ser más saludable y eficaz que el uso de los esteroides?

The use of steroids causes an excess of water and sodium retention in the interstitial compartment (the space around the muscle cells). Therefore, as muscle volume increases, muscle density decreases. On the contrary, the use of MAP ™ normalizes the retention of water and sodium, thus optimizing muscle density. Therefore, the increase in muscle volume is not due to excessive water and sodium retention but to an optimization of muscle mass and strength.
The increase in muscle mass and strength, through the use of steroids, is transient. Once its use is interrupted, the gain of acquired muscle mass is lost. On the contrary, muscle mass acquired through the use of MAP ™ is retained even when its use is interrupted.
The non-therapeutic use of steroids is harmful to health. The use of MAP ™ has been clinically proven healthy and nutritionally effective.
Indicaciones y Uso
The use of MAP ™ is recommended as a healthy and nutritionally effective substitute for dietary proteins.
Adverse reactions
No adverse reactions have been reported.
No adverse reactions have been reported.
Dosage and Administration
Notice: The individual dose may vary according to nutritional status, age, sex, and the intensity and frequency of physical activity.
Recommended daily dose for people who are not athletes: 5 tablets once a day (or at the discretion of the doctor) to be ingested with meals.
Dosis diaria recomendada para atletas
- For the amateur athlete: 5 to 10 tablets of MAP ™, once a day, 30-45 minutes before physical activity, together with the daily requirements of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
- For the professional athlete: 10 tablets of MAP ™, once a day, 30-45 minutes before physical activity, together with the daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. In addition, 10 additional tablets of MAP ™ to be ingested after physical activity, at the next meal (either lunch or dinner).
WARNING: If more than 10 tablets are taken daily, increase the dose gradually (no more than 10 tablets should be taken within 2 hours).
Para calcular la dosis recomendada de MAPTM aplique la siguiente fórmula:
Clinical studies have shown that a MAP ™ dose of 400mg / kg / day (ideal weight) is adequate to keep the body's nitrogen balance in balance. To calculate the dose of MAP ™ necessary to replace the food proteins, the following formula is applied: MAP ™ dose = (Food protein x 0.4) g.
para calcular la dosis de MAPTM necesaria para sustituir 10g de proteínas alimentarias
Dose of MAP ™ = (Food proteins x 0.4) g Dose MAP ™ = (10 x 0.4) g Dose MAP ™ = 4 g Therefore, 4 g (4 tablets) of MAP ™ provide the body protein synthesis (BPS) equivalent to 10g of the most nutritious food proteins.
Como se suministra MAPTM
MAP ™ is supplied in bottles of 120 tablets of 1000mg each for oral administration.

- Clinical studies have shown that, during physical activity, the use of MAP ™ increases muscle mass, thus allowing an increase in strength and muscular endurance.
- Clinical studies have shown that, during physical activity, the use of MAP ™ increases muscle strength, thus allowing better physical activity.
- It has been clinically shown that, during physical activity, the use of MAP ™ increases muscular endurance, thus allowing a longer physical activity.
¿Por qué MAPTM es nutricionalmente más eficaz en comparación a las proteínas alimentarias o a los suplementos proteicos?
MAP ™ provides 99% of Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU).
- This means that 99% of the constituent amino acids of MAP act as precursors of BPS to become body proteins. In comparison, the most nutritious food proteins, such as meat, chicken or fish, provide an average NNU of 32%. As a result, only 32% of its constituent amino acids can act as precursors to BPS. On the other hand, most protein supplements only provide an average NNU of 16%, since they use milk, soy, casein or whey as the main protein source. As a result, only 16% of its constituent amino acids can act as precursors of BPS. Therefore, dietary proteins provide a BPS that is 3 times lower, compared to MAP ™. Meanwhile, protein supplements provide a BPS that is 6 times lower, compared to the MAP ™.
MAP ™ is absorbed in the small intestine in less than 23 minutes after ingestion.
- In comparison, food proteins and protein supplements require 3 to 6 hours of digestion. That is, a period of 6 to 12 times greater compared to MAP ™.
- Knowing the NNU (%) of a protein and its digestion time, its BPS / min can be calculated.
The MAP ™ BPS / min is 99% NNU / 23 min.
- In comparison, the most nutritious food proteins have a BPS / min of 32% NNU / 180-360 min. That is, 24 to 48 times lower compared to the MAP ™. On the other hand, protein supplements have a BPS / min of 16% NNU / 180-360 min. That is, 48 to 96 times lower compared to MAP ™.

Experience has shown that nature is wise in many cases of healing. But as we get older, we realize that it is harder for us to fight a cold or flu, we become more vulnerable to illness, our energy and enthusiasm diminish, our skin loses its elasticity, we gain weight and lose muscle tone.
¿Qué es el calostro bovino?
Colostrum is the first perfect food of nature. It is the substance of pre-milk produced by the breasts of the mother of all mammals during the first 24 hours of lactation.
- From 24 to 48 hours it is called transitory milk.
- After 48 hours the milk is defined.
- Colostrum provides immune and growth factors, a perfect combination of vitamins and minerals to ensure the health, vitality and growth of the newborn.
- It is estimated that colostrum activates at least fifty processes in the newborn, including the transfer of all immune factors and the entire memory of the mother's own immune system.
Medical research has shown that the most important immune and growth factors for humans can be provided from bovine colostrum. It is biologically transferable to all mammals including man and is much higher in immune factors than the colostrum of the human mother.
The laboratory analyzes applied to the immune and growth factors of bovine colostrum indicate that they are identical to those found in human colostrum except for the fact that the levels of these factors are significantly higher in the bovine version.
Bovine colostrum is actually 40 times richer in immune factors than human colostrum.
For example, human colostrum contains 2% IgG (immunoglobulin G) while cow colostrum contains 86% IgG, the most important of the immunoglobulins found in the human body.
The doctors also discovered that bovine colostrum contains special glycoproteins that are extremely effective in protecting immune and growth factors against destruction by human digestive enzymes.
¿Cuáles son los componentes principales del calostro?
The most important components of bovine colostrum can be analyzed basically in four important categories:
- Growth factors
- Factors of the immune system
- Precursors of cytokine or proline-rich polypeptides
- Food components

The last 20 years have certified the publication of more than 2000 research papers strongly supporting the colostrum and its many components.
As a prestigious research institute indicated ... "Bovine colostrum offers enormous possibilities of providing non-stop help to the immune system and this can be the decisive factor in the war of organisms against the disease."
Colostrum has antioxidant properties, natural anti-inflammatory and is a source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.
Bovine Colostrum rebuilds the immune system, helps the body to protect itself from foreign invaders, accelerates the healing of all body tissues, bones and increases lean muscle mass and reprograms the aging system.
- The last 20 years have certified the publication of more than 2000 research papers strongly supporting the colostrum and its many components. As a prestigious research institute indicated ... "Bovine colostrum offers enormous possibilities of providing non-stop help to the immune system and this can be the decisive factor in the war of organisms against the disease."
- Colostrum has antioxidant properties, natural anti-inflammatory and is a source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Bovine Colostrum rebuilds the immune system, helps the body to protect itself from foreign invaders, accelerates the healing of all body tissues, bones and increases lean muscle mass and reprograms the aging system.
- Colostrum supplementation improves the efficiency of amino acids and the absorption of carbohydrates from fuel by the intestine. There are more nutrients available for muscle cells and other tissues and vital organs. One of the reasons for the energy boost seen in most healthy individuals who use colostrum as a dietary supplement is this ability to improve nutrient availability.
- "Colostrum stimulates the lymphoid tissue preset in elderly or people suffering from immunodeficiency" Drs. Bocci, Bremen, Corradeschi, Luzzi and Paulesu; Biology Officer.
- "The researchers reported that colostrum stimulates the maturation of B lymphocytes (type of white blood cell) and prepares them for the production of antibodies, enhance the growth and differentiation of white blood cells. Similar activity in cow colostrum and human being can also activate macrophages. "... Dr. M. Julio, McGill University, Montreal: Science News.
- "Bovine colostrum contains high levels of growth factors that promote normal cell growth and DNA synthesis" DRS. Oda, Shinnichi, et. to the.; Comparative Biochemical Physiology.
- "An important role of the growth factors of bovine colostrum is in the promotion of wound healing accelerating healing, which is possible to begin to apply for the treatment of trauma and surgical wounds" Drs. Bhora, et. Bhora, et. to the.; Journal to the.; Official. Surg. Surg. Res Res.

Donde hay oxígeno y alcalinidad, no puede haber enfermedad ni cáncer. Dr. Otto Warburg.

Estamos constituidos de 100 trillones de células aproximadamente, suspendidas en el interior y exterior en una “sopa marina” recordando que el 70% de nuestro peso corporal es agua (sopa marina). Reafirmando que la vida de todo el planeta, inicio en los océanos, así nosotros los humanos guardamos la estructura original de la composición físicoquímica de nuestros líquidos corporales similares al agua de mar.
El científico francés Rene Quinton (1904), ofrece al mundo esta información, mostrándonos la vital importancia de mantener un PH y estructura físico-química en nuestras células, similar al agua marina.
Tratando a miles de pacientes de diversas enfermedades graves, dándoles como único tratamiento beber agua de mar, logrando el control y cura de enfermedades, demostrando la efectividad de su descubrimiento en forma contundente a todo el mundo médico y científico. Por lo tanto al ofrecer la misma estructura del agua marina a nuestras células, provee: mantenimiento de las condiciones óptimas en su nutrición, pH, acciones celulares, energía y renovación celular.
SuerhoCell Premium, nace como resultado de la investigación en Nutriquantica, basándose en formulas desarrolladas por el equipo de investigación en Frontier Wellness, continuando así también, con el principio de investigación legado por el científico Rene Quinton.
SuerhoCell Premium se dirige a 4 ejes de acción específicos a nivel celular:
1.- Balance Hidroeléctrico (electromagnetismo iónico molecular).
2.- Provee y Regula la nutrición y funciones Enzimáticas (energía celular).
3.- Activación y Renovación (ADN) “La célula es una batería biológica “.
4.- Alcalinización (pH alcalino) de nuestros líquidos Corporales.
5.- Anti oxidación mayor poder para bloquear radicales libres (toxinas).
El Dr. Otto Warburg nos demostró: Que un estado ácido es el principio de toda enfermedad, y nosotros nos acidificamos por los ritmos de vida actual (stress, frustración, depresión, etc.) la contaminación ambiental y procesamiento de alimentos, etc. rompiendo el equilibrio del estado de salud. Entendiendo como salud en el lenguaje más simple, como un estado de células, tejidos y órganos libres de impurezas.
SuerhoCell Premium está estructurado por los siguientes ingredientes: Flor de Sal Marina (contiene los 118 elementos, entre minerales e iones, conocidos actualmente), guanábana, arroz, perejil, regaliz, estevia, extracto de limón y nuestro Quinonu Evolution.

Es importante recordar que cualquier mamífero marino nunca desarrolla en condiciones de hábitat libre (salvaje), enfermedades tumorales, crónico-degenerativas, ni infecciosas. Ya que beben agua de mar, para el hombre actual beber agua de mar, le representa retos complejos por los ritmos de vida actuales, distancias geográficas y contaminación de los mares.
SuerhoCell Premium, nos da la oportunidad de poder obtener esta fuente de SALUD NATURAL, en forma fácil segura y desarrollada científicamente con las formulaciones de Nutriquantica basados en la estructura de la madre naturaleza, para la permanencia u obtención de la salud.
SuerhoCell Premium además de todas las maravillosas nanomoléculas obtenidas de la naturaleza para la estructuración del SuerhoCell Premium, contamos con la adhesián de los polisacaridos-peptidos de arroz, dándonos también antocianinas que en conjunto estas moléculas del arroz otorga una acción antioxidante, nutricional y depurativa más poderosa, modificando así toda la formulación, dando como resultado SUERHOCELL PREMIUM. ¡Único en el mercado!
Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Cuándo recomendar SuerhoCell Premium?
Tomarlo tanto niños y adultos de cualquier edad que desee mantener un estado óptimo de salud, así como en deportistas regulares o atletas de alto rendimiento.
¿SuerhoCell Premium tiene poder antioxidante?
Absolutamente si, la estructura de agua de mar, las moléculas de Quinonu Evolution (que lo contiene) y ahora más las antocianinas potencializan el efecto antioxidante y depurativo celular como ninguna otra formulación existente en el mercado.
¿En qué enfermedades debemos de beber SuerhoCell Premium?
Enfermedades Infecciosas (gastrointestinales, pulmonares, renales, etc.).
Enfermedades Inmunológicas (artritis, asma, lupus, psoriasis, etc.).
Enfermedades Neurológicas (epilepsia, Parkinson, transtorno de déficit de atención, etc.).
Enfermedades Metabólicas (diabetes, obesidad, gota, aumento de colesterol, etc.).
Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (hipertensión, déficit circulatorio, corazón crecido, etc.).
Enfermedades Tumorales (benignas y malignas), Enfermedades Psicológicas (depresión, ansiedad, etc.).
Enfermedades Hormonales (tiroideas, menopausia, transtornos menstruales, etc.).
Deshidratación, fibromialgia, disfunción eréctil, entre otras.
Instrucciones de Uso
(Sobre de 5 grs. De polvo para preparar).Disolver su contenido en 500 ml. de agua purificada solamente, agitar moderadamente por 3 min. Y beberlo. Indispensable beberlo antes de 6 hrs. después de preparada la mezcla.
Niños sanos 1 sobre al día.
Adultos sanos 2 sobres al día (mañana y tarde).
NOTA: En caso de enfermedad en cualquier edad, solicitar soporte médico con su especialista.